Be a part of helping us preserve and maintain our Historical Vehicles!
We are always looking for sponsors and donations of all kinds! For more information go to our contact us page or our donation page.
Here are some places we are proud to be affiliated with!

Fort MacArthur – Fort MacArthur is a fine artillery, armory, and air museum that has worked together with our museum for over ten years to boost our public displays and popularity.
Electro-Tech, Inc. – Electro-Tech, Inc. fixed our voltage regulator in our newly renovated shop.

EVAPO-RUST – Has donated their amazing rust removal solution as well as rust preventative coatings.

B’LASTER PRODUCTS – Has donated their wonderful penetrating oils and lubricants that are needed when working on our older equipment ranging from small engines to tanks to dog tag machines.

Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library – The American Military Museum has been a proud supplier of artifacts that have been put on display at the Library for different exhibitions.

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library – The American Military Museum has partnered with the RRPL for long term artifact and vehicle displays for their exhibitions.